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Rolling Thunder Mission Statement:
The major function of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is to publicize the POW/MIA issue: to educate the public that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all previous wars, and to help correct the past and to protect future veterans from being left behind should they become Prisoners of War or Missing In Action. We are also committed to helping American veterans from all wars.
April 1
Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 1 meeting at Epping American legion at 7:30 pm. Dues are due at this meeting if not already paid. Please bring gun raffle ticket stubs and money to the meeting. Please take a book of tickets to sell. This is our fundraiser. Thanks.
April 2
POW/MIA Vigil in Manchester at 723 Elm Street at 7 p.m.
April 2
Burial of Michael Bartlett, a U.S. Army Veteran who died from Agent Orange and was not a member of Rolling Thunder but he loved Rolling Thunder. He is being buried at the NH State Veterans Cemetary, 110 Daniel Webster Hwy, Boscawen, NH. The service is at 1 pm. Let's try and honor this Veteran.
April 3
POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith NH at 7 pm.
April 4
POW/MIA Vigil at Pine Grove Cemetary in Salem NH at 7 pm.
April 6
Milford and Company Motorcycle Flea Market. Being held at the Everett Arena in Concord from 8am to 2pm. Admission is 10.00.
April 10
POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith NH at 7 pm.
April 12
Rolling Thunder Maine Chapter 1 Bowl-A-Thon. Being held at Bowlarama on Main Street in Sanford Maine from 9 am to 4 pm. The admission is 10.00. Let's support our fellow chapter.
April 13
Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 3 Pancake Breakfast at the Orange, Mass. American Legion, 40 Shays Highway, Orange, Mass. from 8 am to 11 am. Admission is 8.00. Help support our sister chapter.
April 17
POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith at 7 pm.
April 19
Hunt for Freedom Cornhole Tournament. Being held at Barrington Elementary School, 570 Calef Hwy, Barrington, NH. Registration is at 11:00 and bags fly at 12:00. Admission is 60.00 per team.
April 22
Nam Knights POW/MIA Vigil at 45 Lincoln Ave. in Portsmouth at 7 pm.
April 24
POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith, N.H. at 7 p.m.
April 26
Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 1 Poppy Drive at Epping Market Basket, 24 Calef Hwy, Epping, NH from 10 am to 2 pm
April 26
Rolling Thunder NH 2 Freedom Night Dinner at 5 pm. The address is the American Legion, 119 Broad Street in Claremont, NH. Admission is 15.00 for dinner, raffles and music. TooTall and I will be leading a group over from the Epping Legion at 3 pm. Please help support our sister chapter.
April 27
Spring cleanup at the NH State Veterans Cemetary, 110 Daniel Webster Hwy, Boscawen , NH at 10 am. Please bring a rake or blower if you can. We will go out to lunch after.

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