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April 1

Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 1 meeting at Epping American legion at 7:30 pm. Dues are due at this meeting if not already paid. Please bring gun raffle ticket stubs and money to the meeting. Please take a book of tickets to sell. This is our fundraiser. Thanks.


April 2

POW/MIA Vigil in Manchester at 723 Elm Street at 7 p.m.

April 2

Burial of Michael Bartlett, a U.S. Army Veteran who died from Agent Orange and was not a member of Rolling Thunder but he loved Rolling Thunder. He is being buried at the NH State Veterans Cemetary, 110 Daniel Webster Hwy, Boscawen, NH. The service is at 1 pm. Let's try and honor this Veteran.

April 3

POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith NH at 7 pm.

April 4

POW/MIA Vigil at Pine Grove Cemetary in Salem NH at 7 pm.

April 6

Milford and Company Motorcycle Flea Market. Being held at the Everett Arena in Concord from 8am to 2pm. Admission is 10.00.

April  10

POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith NH at 7 pm. 

April 12

Rolling Thunder Maine Chapter 1 Bowl-A-Thon. Being held at Bowlarama on Main Street in Sanford Maine from 9 am to 4 pm.  The admission is 10.00. Let's support our fellow chapter.

April 13

Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 3 Pancake Breakfast at the Orange, Mass. American Legion, 40 Shays Highway, Orange, Mass. from 8 am to 11 am. Admission is 8.00. Help support our sister chapter.

April 17

POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith at 7 pm.

April 19

Hunt for Freedom Cornhole Tournament. Being held at Barrington Elementary School, 570 Calef Hwy, Barrington, NH. Registration is at 11:00 and bags fly at 12:00. Admission is 60.00 per team.

April 22

Nam Knights POW/MIA Vigil at 45 Lincoln Ave. in Portsmouth at 7 pm.

April 24

POW/MIA Vigil at Hesky Park in Meredith, N.H. at 7 p.m.

April 26

Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 1 Poppy Drive at Epping Market Basket, 24 Calef Hwy, Epping, NH from 10 am to 2 pm

April 26

Rolling Thunder NH 2 Freedom Night Dinner at 5 pm. The address is the American Legion, 119 Broad Street in Claremont, NH. Admission is 15.00 for dinner, raffles and music. TooTall and I will be leading a group over from the Epping Legion at 3 pm. Please help support our sister chapter.

April 27

Spring cleanup at the NH State Veterans Cemetary, 110 Daniel Webster Hwy, Boscawen , NH at 10 am. Please bring a rake or blower if you can. We will go out to lunch after.

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